GATE Computer Science Books

Mathematical Logic: Discrete Mathematics by Tremblay Manohar, Probability , statistics and queuing theory " by S.C.Gupta & V.K.Kapoor

Graph Theory: Narsingh Deo

Linear Algebra: Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal

Numerical Methods: S.S. Sastry

Formal Language and Automata Theory: Formal Languages and Automata theory", J.D.Ullman etal

Analysis of Algorithms and Computational Complexity: Introduction to algorithms" - Cormen etal" Computer Algorithms" - Horowitz and Sahani

Digital Logic: " Digital Logic circuits and Design " by Morris Mano

Computer Organization: " Computer Organisation " by Morris Mano
Some Other Important books
" Multiple choice questions " - Timothy . J . Williams , TMH publications
" Gate Question Papers " - G.K.Publishers
GATE Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering Books

Network Analysis: Van Valkenburg

Network and Systems: D. Roy Choudhary

Integrated Electronics: Jacob Milman & C. Halkias, Millman & Grabel

Integrated Circuits: K.R. Botkar

Op. Amps & Linear Integrated Circuit: Gayakwad

Digital Logic & Computer Design: Moris Mano

Signals and System: Oppehum, Willsky & Nacob

Automatic Control System: Benjamin C. Kuo

Control System Engineering: Nagrath & Gopal

Principle of Communication System: Taub & Schilling

Communication System: A. Bruu Carlson

Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems: Jardon & Balmain, JD Kraus
GATE Electrical Engineering Books

Network Analysis: Van Valkenburg

Electromagnetic: Willain H. Hayt

Electrical Machinery: PS Bhimra

Electrical Machines: Nagrath & Kothari

Power System Engineering: Nagrath & Kothari

Electric Power Systems: CL Wadhwa

Automatic Control System: Benjamin C. Kuo

Control System Engineering: Nagrath & Gopal

Electrical & Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation: AK Sawhney

Integrated Electronics: Milman & Halkias, Millma & Grobel

Digital Logic & Computer Design: Morris Mano

Power Electronics: PS Bhimra
GATE Civil Engineering Books

Strength of Materials: Gere & Temoshenko, B C Punamia

Structural Analysis: Negi, S Ramamurtham, C K Vang

Concrete Structures: Punamia & Jain, H J Shah

Steel Structures: Duggal

Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering: Ranjan & Rao, Venkat Ramaiha, S K Garg

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics: Modi & Seth, R K Bansal, Subramanyam

Hydrology: Subramanyam

Irrigation: S K Garg

Highway Engineering: Khanna & Jasto, Kadiyali
GATE Mechanical Engineering Books

Enginnering Thermodynamics: PK Nag

IC Engine: ML Mathur and RP Sharma

Gas Turbine and Propulsive Systems: PR Khajuria & SP Dubey

Fluid Mechanics: Modi & Seth, RK Bansal

Compressible Flow: SM Yahya

Heat and Mass Transfer: JP Hollman, RC Sachdeva

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: CP Arora, Domkundwar

Fluid Machinery: Jagdish Lal, RK Bansal

Theory of Machines: RS Khurmi, Malik & Ghosh

Mechanical Vibration: Grover

Machine Design: Shigley, VB Bhandari

Material Science: WD Callister, IP Singh

Production Engineering: Kalpkjian Schmid, Amitabh Ghosh & AK Malik

Industrial Engineering: O P Khanna, Buffa & Sarin

Operations Research: Kanti Swarup

Strength of Materials: Gere & Timoshenko, BC unamia, Sadhu Singh
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